Composting combined with a raised garden bed

Now you can compost your kitchen scraps easily and discreetly thanks to the Composting Garden Kit

Composting Garden Kit

  • (1) Flexible fabric raised bed made from recycled water bottles.
  • (1) Specially designed center compost bin with screw on rodent-resistant lid.
  • (3) 1 Gallon kitchen compost collection buckets with lids.
  • (1) 3.5 Gallon container with screw on lid.

New product to launch July 4th 2018

Welcome to a better way to compost your kitchen food scraps at home. We have been busy working on a unique gardening product. It combines composting with a easy to deploy raised garden bed. Think of it as super secret urban composting bin disguised as a uber productive raised garden bed where trillions of tiny microbes (composting elves) transform your kitchen scraps into nutrient rich soil.  Please subscribe to our news list

Everything you need in one box.

Everything you need to create your own composting garden in one box.

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Quick and Easy to set up

Super easy, just place the flexible container at the desired garden location. Place the center compost bin in the marked circle and start filling up with your locally sourced garden soil.

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Affordable Shipping

Cost to ship was not an afterthought. Part of the design goal was to be able to package the final kit in a way to make shipping affordable.

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Advantages to a composting garden?

Composting Gardens continually nurture the soil

 Continuously rebuilding the soil just like in nature

One Step Composting Saves You Time

Compost your kitchen scraps directly in the rodent resistant compost bin.

Learn more

We are planning to launch the Kickstarter campaign to help fund the startup expenses.  We will launch the Kickstarter campaign on May 6, 2017 to correspond with theInternational Compost Awareness Week.  Please join our news list so we can notify you of our progress.

Only 40% of Kickstarter projects get fully funded so we could use your help

Were not giving up, so here are some simple, but important ways you can help us beat the odds.

1.  Join our News List

So we can keep you informed of our progress.  Don't worry we hate spam as much as you do.

2.  Post a link to this page on your social media pages

Sharing this page with your friends will really help us  exponentially.   This composting garden concept may be something one or more of your friends may find interesting.  Who knows, this could just be the friend or relative who just happens to know the right people to help us move this forward.  The hope is that if you tell someone by sharing it, they may in turn tell someone, and on, and on.   If you don't take this next step, then on, and on, never stands a chance.

3.  Visit our social media pages

By taking a few minutes to stop by and like or subscribe to each of our social media pages it can help us  immensely.

First it lets you  follow what we're doing on other social media pages.

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It may not seem like much but  these little steps you are taking can really help us in the long run.  Please don't skip on this step.


Links to our social media pages

4.  Give us your feedback and suggestions

Do you you know of someone or somewhere we should contact to help get the word out on our product?

Have an idea of a news site that may want to do a story on this amazing garden and composting product?

Want to join our KickStarter team or help us in some other way?

Use our contact form for your feedback and suggestions.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Please use the contact form to let me know, so we can thank you personally.